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The Right Fit Winner With Dr. Arlene


 WIN Without Competing With The Right Fit Method

Compete With Yourself

 Raise The Bar Higher and Higher

Set A Standard Against Which No One Can Compete

I Am The Right Fit Winner!

Watch Me WIN!

Dr. Arlene

Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Marriages With Dr. Arlene


 Honoring President Jimmy Carter (100) (1924-2024)

Two Marriages With Unbreakable Bonds

 Powerful First Ladies Rosalynn and Nancy

The Right Fit Marriages With Dr. Arlene

Honoring President Jimmy Carter (100) (1924-2024)

Two Marriages With Unbreakable Bonds

Powerful First Ladies Rosalynn and Nancy

Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Changes With Dr. Arlene


 Shed The Cloak of Rigidity

Manage Unexpected Events

 Take Charge, Speak Up, WIN!

Orchestrate Your Happiness

Make The Right Fit Decisions

Change The Trajectory of Your Career

Revitalize Your Life

The Creator of The Right Fit Method

Dr. Arlene Will Share Her Wisdom

Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Career With Dr. Arlene


 My Recipe For Sizzling Success

The Right Fit Behaviors

 Assess Your Behaviors

Which Behaviors Are You Using?


BRAND to WIN With Dr. Arlene
Make Yourself Memorable

Shine a Spotlight on Your Brilliant Brand

Ignite Sizzling Success


Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


Stress Strategies With Dr. Arlene


 The Right Fit Stress Strategies Ignite Longevity

Control Stress, Raise Natural Immunity

Strengthen Internal Controls


Conquer Stress to Raise Natural Immunity
Reduce Overall Disease Risk, Increase Longevity

Achieve Unparalleled Success

Strategy Replaces Stress With Dr. Arlene

Learn How Now!

Contact Dr. Arlene: 310-443-4277



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The Right Fit Communications With Dr. Arlene



Make Yourself Memorable

WIN Without Competing

NO Competition, Only YOU


Dr. Arlene Introduces:

The Right Fit Relationship Building Strategies

Ignite Unparalleled Success


Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


 The Right Fit Match With Dr. Arlene


 Ignorance is Not Bliss

Mixed Messaging Destroys Trust

Media Fuels Erroneous Assumptions


Dr. Arlene Introduces:
Eliminating Erroneous Assumptions

Igniting The Right Fit Matches 


Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Media With Dr. Arlene


 The Right Fit Media With Dr. Arlene

Arrange Executive Health Evaluation

For Biden at The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN






Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Behavior With Dr. Arlene


 The Right Fit Behavior With Dr. Arlene
Pick The Right Fit Person for President

Change Your Behavior: Achieve The Right Fit Results

Shed the Shackles of Rigidity: Release Creativity





 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Controls With Dr. Arlene


 The Right Fit Controls With Dr. Arlene
Take Charge Fast, No Mixed Messages

Implement Memorable Consequences

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Humanness With Dr. Arlene


 What is The Wrong Fit Humanness?
No Engagement, Empathy, Embarrassment

Using People as Vehicles for Transactions:

Not Focusing on Building Relationships.

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit President With Dr. Arlene


 Focus on Function not Age: Warren Buffett, 93, $133.3 Billion!
Recognize the Signs of Dementia

Visualize the Progression of Dementia to Alzheimer's Disease


Eliminate Erroneous Assumptions

Prevent Perilous Consequences

With Dr. Arlene 


 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Response With Dr. Arlene


 Manage the Unexpected
Pitch to Persuade

Achieve The Right Fit Results

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Messages With Dr. Arlene


 My Unforgettable Meeting
With the Legendary Dr. Jonas Salk

Who Discovered The First Successful Polio Vaccine

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Results With Dr. Arlene


 Focus on Outcome
Watch Me Pitch to Persuade & WIN

Using The Right Fit Strategies That I Created

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Life With Dr. Arlene


 Dr. Arlene Shares Memorable Moments With Her Dad!
Dad Empowered Me to Create The Right Fit Life

By Shaping My Behavior

He Left Me the Legacy of WISDOM!

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


Ignite Careers and Businesses With Dr Arlene

 Assess Your Potential Success
Master The Right Fit Essential Strategies

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Method Ignites Success


Use The Right Fit Method to Make all Decisions
What is the ONLY way to pick The Right Fits consistently?
Create a Blueprint of The Right Fit & Find the Match
INDECISION will not work!

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Advice With Dr. Arlene


Use The Right Fit Method to Make All Decisions
Why should X replace the iconic flying bird on Twitter?
Since 2006, the name and logo are The Right Fit Match!

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The story of barro global search, inc.
Dr. Arlene, creator & innovator, built her distinguished career on a history of firsts, primarily in healthcare.
In 2003, Founder & CEO, Dr. Arlene established barro global search,
Retained Executive Search Firm, based on The Right Fit Method which she created, igniting another first.
Our Motto: We will do what others cannot do!

 barro global search, inc., a distinguished brand, has been flourishing

      for more than 20 years and continues to expand its

Unique Services. The Right Fit Method is The Right Fit Brand

for candidates, employees, employers, entrepreneurs.

Read The story of barro global search, inc.

 Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


Creator of The Right Fit Method

Dr. Arlene Introduces

The Right Fit Awards with Dr. Arlene

Eager to WIN?

Read the Announcement & Apply!


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Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Mindset With Dr. Arlene

Master ONE Unique Mindset and Method

Achieve Unparalleled Business, Career, Personal Success

WIN Without Competing With The Right Fit Method


The Keys to The Right Fit Kingdom

 Pick Only The Right Fits

   Searching for the Match


Warren Buffett and Bill Gates

The Everlasting Right Fit Friendship

The Right Fit Billionaire Buddies

For more than 30 years, shared laughter

has cemented their friendship.



Google features Dr. Arlene on Twitter


Conquering Stress with Dr. Arlene

Master The TEN Right Fit Stress Strategies

Raise Your Natural Immunity

Reduce Your Chronic Disease Risk

Increase Your Energy, Productivity, Longevity

Ignite Your Career Success



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


Take Charge and WIN With Dr. Arlene

Master the Right Fit Strategies

Shine a Spotlight on your Brilliant Brand

Ignite Sizzling Success

WIN Without Competing!



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


The Wrong Fit Royals With Dr. Arlene

Harry and Meghan Never Change

No New Beginnings, just the USA

Blame is the Name of the Game



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Kids With Dr. Arlene

Malpractice Parenting Produced Criminal FTX Sam



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Decision With Dr. Arlene

Missing The Real Message

Making The Wrong Fit Decision


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Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


Talk The Right Fit Talk With Dr. Arlene

Pitch to Persuade



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


The Right Fit Wisdom

With Dr. Arlene

Strategies to WIN



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


The Flawless Fit Queen




Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


Take Charge: Brand to WIN 



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


Mastering Positive Self-Talk 
Focusing on Function, Not Age

Delete Negative Self-Talk

Stop Sabotaging Yourself



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter






 Are you aware when you are experiencing
Stress Symptoms? Find Out!

 Take the Assess Your Stress Questionnaire

which Dr. Arlene designed for you.

Changing your behavior could save your life.


Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


Take the Right Fit Road 
With Dr. Arlene 
Think differently to stop school shootings

Prevent another Uvalde!



Google features Dr Arlene on Twitter


The Wrong Fit Consequences
Roe V Wade
With Dr Arlene


barro global search, inc. is moving up!


Our office address is:

The Tower

10940 Wilshire Blvd.

Suite 1600

Los Angeles, CA 90024

We are located in Westwood, within walking distance of UCLA and seconds from the 405 Wilshire East exit.

To reach Dr. Arlene







Email YOUR resume to Dr. Arlene: resumes@barroglobal.com