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Your Master Career Plan for 2024!


Conquer Stress to Raise Natural Immunity
Reduce Overall Disease Risk, Increase Longevity

Achieve Unparalleled Success

Strategy Replaces Stress With Dr. Arlene

Learn How Now!

Contact Dr. Arlene: 310-443-4277




The Creator of The Right Fit Method
Dr. Arlene Introduces

The Right Fit Awards With Dr. Arlene

Eager to WIN?

Read the Announcement & Apply!



Dr. Arlene Introduces:

The Right Fit Relationship Building Strategies

Ignite Unparalleled Success


Pick ONLY The Right Fits
With Dr. Arlene


Learn Winning Strategies to Ignite Success, Conquer Stress, & Fire Up Your Passion!



Read About Dr. Arlene's

Unforgettable Meeting With

The Legendary Dr. Jonas Salk



The Right Fit Controls and Standards Must Rule

Founded in 1754, Columbia University Burns their Brand

Delay, Indecision, Denial destroyed their credibility!



Dr. Arlene Introduces:
Eliminating Erroneous Assumptions

Igniting The Right Fit Matches 

Jane Fonda, John Williams, and Steven Spielberg

Carol Burnett, Dick Van Dyke

At age 98, Dick Van Dyke accepted an Emmy Award in 2024!











Zelensky The Right Fit Ukrainian Leader

With Dr. Arlene

President Zelensky has the passion to lead

and the courage to succeed.

He seens the unseen and hears the upspoken

never forgetting that his people and country come first.

Making no assumptions, he tests and verifies as he

fires up his forces to fight.

Never underestimate Zelensky!

Putin, are you listening?


The Right Fit Advice for 2024 With Dr. Arlene!


Eliminate Assumptions

 Watch Your Personal and Professional Life Soar

Decrease Stress, Feel Your Natural Immunity Rise


Call Dr. Arlene 310-4430-4277

Email drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com

Dr. Arlene Introduces

The Right Fit Immunity




Achieve Career Success!

With Dr. Arlene

 During this critical time of transition and transformation,

I invite you to arrange a 15 minute free conversation

with me to discuss your dreams and dilemmas.

Why wait?

Please email me drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com
or call my office 310-443-4277 to arrange a time to talk.

Do not allow negative self-talk to manage your behavior!






Are you ready to Boost Your Brand with Five Stress-Busting Strategies to achieve unparalleled success? Laugh and learn right now. Listen to Dr. Arlene's latest radio show and bust that stress now! 





Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 to work with you to create a unique brand to achieve unparalleled success for 2024 and 
set a standard against which no one can compete.


Igniting business and career brands with Right Fits? Use The Right Fit Method for hiring and capturing The Right Fit job.

Brand to Win with Dr. Arlene in 2021!  Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 now.

Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 to discuss whether you want to Hire Right Fits or be the ONE Right Fit in 2024.




Dr. Arlene Introduces

the Website Version of her App





You will hear me speaking!



What is The Right Fit Method?

The Right Fit Method, which Dr. Arlene created is a unique Decision Making Model to make Right Fit decisions. Notably, the Method enables the user to create Right Fit Branding Strategies to achieve unique, unparalleled business and career success.

The Right Fit Method is the foundation on which Dr. Arlene built barro global search, inc. To learn more about the products and services of barro global search, inc., visit www.barroglobal.com To contact barro global search, inc. call (310) 443-4277 or email drbarro@barroglobal.com

Services are provided globally over the phone or in our corporate offices adjoining the UCLA Campus in The Tower, located at 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90024, Monday through Saturday from 9 AM to 7 PM Pacific Time. Customized appointment times for new and continuing clients.

About Dr. Arlene

"WIN Without Competing" is the life mantra of author, master career and business coach, talk show host, professional speaker and CEO. Dr. Arlene Barro, who is The Creator of The Right Fit Method, which is the subject of her book WIN Without Competing!. From UCLA, Dr. Arlene, a behavioral educational psychologist, holds a Master's and PhD with distinction for her doctoral dissertation on creativity. In Dr. Arlene’s world the standard of "best" does not exist. Her standard is The Right Fit. Make that your standard and change your life.


The Story of The Right Fit Method

The Right Fit Method Rooted in Childhood

Dr. Arlene grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts, the birthplace of John F. Kennedy. As a child she walked hand-in-hand with her dad and paused to gaze at the Kennedy home. Little did she know that Jack Kennedy's dad and her dad shared something important – instilling high standards which would many years later become the foundation of her Right Fit Method. Dr. Barro's dad taught her not to search for the "best" but to focus on finding The Right Fit. In the market, for example, her dad told her not to compare and contrast pieces of fruit and select the "best" from among them. If all the bananas were brownish and overripe no bananas were selected. They were all the wrong fit. Only the bananas that matched her dad's set of standards were selected and purchased.

The Creation of The Right Fit Method

After many years of holding high-level healthcare executive positions, Dr. Arlene, in 1995, joined an executive search firm and headed their Healthcare Services Division. She quickly realized that she would not give her clients an array of resumes from which to select candidates to interview. Instead she would only present one candidate, The Right Fit candidate, and conclude the search. That meant she would need to teach candidates and employers about her Method. Dr. Arlene carefully crafted her Right Fit Method and began testing it out on candidates and employers. It worked! Then in 1998, she worked with Tom Lombardo, the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WebMD, who hired her as his exclusive search consultant. She placed 40 candidates with him in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada using her Right Fit Method. Many years later in the foreword to her book WIN Without Competing!, he wrote

"With Dr. Barro's help, we were able to find and hire high-level personnel. Without those Right Fit candidates, I would not have been successful. The quality and character of the hires matched my blueprint for growth plans extremely well. Together, we built WebMD to its current status as the Internet's most visited healthcare site with 230 million page views per month."

In 2003, Dr. Arlene founded her own search firm barro global search, inc. which enabled her to expand her Right Fit Method to all business sectors. She began to think about the applicability of the Method to all aspects of an individual's life. Then, she met former President Jimmy Carter in 2005 and asked him to introduce her to Donald Trump. The conversation became the subject of her article "Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump: Can I Have $5 Million? Demonstrates the Art of Speaking Up." A book editor read the article and asked Dr. Barro if she had the basis for a book, which led to the creation of WIN Without Competing! years later which presents The Right Fit Method. As a testament to the universality of the Method, WIN Without Competing! was published not only in the United States but also in India by Macmillan.

Have you ever wondered why you keep picking wrong fits?

Wrong job?
Wrong house?
Wrong spouse?

Dr. Arlene has The Right Solution.

You must use her Right Fit Method.

BlogTalkRadio selected as a featured show Dr. Arlene’s WIN Without Competing! in recognition of the quality of our content. WE Set the Standard! That’s our motto, MAKE IT YOURS!

YOU Can Arrange an Interview Without a Resume!

Many job seekers make the erroneous assumption that you must email your resume to an employer or a search firm and wait to hear if they want to interview you. Not necessarily so.

After you have identified the position you want and studied the company, create a pitch to broadcast why you are The Right Fit for that position. Be sure to select the right person to pitch. Then, make your telephone call!

Recently, one of my coaching clients did this and succeeded in arranging an interview. A couple of days before the interview he emailed the resume package to the employer. YOU, too can arrange an interview without a resume!

Raise the Standard!

Call Dr. Arlene